Saturday 28 November 2015

Promotion 2015 (CORPORAL) drills

Attention & Stand at ease

Sedi- A (Attention)

Senang Di- Ri (Stand at ease)


Yang  Tinggi Ke Kanan, Rendah Ke Kiri, Dalum Satu Barisan, Paras (Tallest to the right, Shortest to the left, one row, size)
Turn check, check left right left
Dari Kanan, Angka Satu Dan Dua, Bilang (From the right, number off 1 and 2)
Last person end off with IC
Nombor Ganjil Satu Langkah Ke Hadapan, Nombor Genap Satu Langkah Ke Belakang, Gerak (Odd number pace one step front, even number pace one step back)

Orang Yang Di Sebelah Kanan, Diam, Nombor Ganjil Ke Kanan, Nombor Genap Ke Kiri, Barisan Ke Kanan Dan Ke Kiri, Pusing (Right Marker remain still, odd number turn right, even number turn left)
Turn check
Jadikan Tiga Barisan, Cepat Jalan (Form 3 ranks on quick march)
Left, left, left, right…
Turning and inclining

Begerak Ke Kiri Bertiga Tiga, Ke Kiri, Pusing (Front to left)
Turn check
Bergerak Ke Kanan Bertiga Tiga, Ke Kanan, Pusing (Front to right)
Turn check
Menghadap Ke Belakang, Ke Belakang, Pusing (Front to back)
Turn check
Menghadap Ke Hadapan, Ke Belakang, Pusing (Back to front)
Turn check
Bergerak Ke Kanan, Ke Kanan, Pusing (Back to right)
Turn check

Begerak Ke Kiri, Ke Kiri, Pusing (Back to left)
Turn check
Menghadap Ke Hadapan, Ke Kanan, Pusing (Left to front)
Turn check
Bergerak Ke Kiri Bertiga Tiga, Ke Belakang, Pusing (Right to left)
Turn check
Menghadap Ke Hadapan, Ke Kiri, Pusing (Right to front)
Turn check
Bergerak Ke Kanan Bertiga Tiga, Ke Belakang, Pusing (Left to right)
Turn check
Dressing, Open & Close

Ke Kanan Lurus (Right dressing)
Up check
Dalam Siku Barisan Ke Kanan Lurus (Elbow dressing)
Up check

Dalam Buka Barisan, Ke Kanan Lurus (Open order, right dress)
1,2 check up check
Dalam Tutup Barisan, Ke Kanan Lurus (Close order, right dress)
1,2 check up check
Pandang Ke Hadapan, Pandang (Eyes front)

Dalam Buka Barisan Ke Kenan Lurus (Open order, right dress) { Marching }
Check 1, check 1,2,3, check left, left…
Dalam Tutup Barisan Ke Kanan Lurus (Close order, right dress) { Marching }
Check 1, check 1,2,3, check left, left…
Pledge taking

Ta’at Setia
Check up
Check down

Salute to the front

Ke Hadapan, Hormat
Check up
Check down

Satu/Dua/Tiga/Empat, Langkah Ke Kiri, Gerak (Left move)
Count down the number given
Satu/Dua/Tiga/Empat, Langkah Ke Kanan, Gerak (Right move)
Count down the number given
Satu/Dua/Tiga/Empat, Langkah Ke Hadapan, Gerak (Front move)
Count down the number given
Satu/Dua/Tiga/Empat, Langkah Ke Belakang, Gerak (Back move)
Count down the number given

Marching/Halt/Mark Time (from quick march)

Dari Kiri Cepat Jalan (Taking reference from left, quick march)
Left, left, left, right…
Dari Kanan Cepat Jalan (Taking reference from right, quick march)
Left, left, left, right…
Dari Tengah, Cepat Jalan (Taking reference from center, quick march)
Left, left, left, right…
Berhenti (Halt) { Marching }
Check 1
Hentak Kaki Cepat Hentak (Quick Mark Time)
Left, left, left, right…
Hentak Kaki Cepat Hentak (Quick Mark Time) { Marching }
Check in, left, left, left, right…
Berhenti (Halt) { Hentak }

Maju (Forward)
Turning on the march

Ke Belakang Pusing (Face to the back, about turn)
Check 1,2,3
Ke Kiri Pusing (Turn to the left)
Check, left, left, left, right…
Ke Kanan Pusing (Turn to the right)
Check, right, left, left, left, right…
Saluting on the march

Memberi Hormat Semasa Berjalan, Ke Hadapan, Hormat (Salute to the front on the march)
Check 1, check up, check down, check up, check down, check turn check, check left, left, left, right…
Memberi Hormat Semasa Berjalan, Ke Kiri, Hormat ( Salute to the left on the march)
Check up 2,3,4,5 down, left, left, left, right…

Memberi Hormat Semasa Berjalan, Ke Kanan, Hormat (Salute to the right on march)
Check up 2,3,4,5 down, left, left, left, right…
Eyes right/front/left

Pandang Ke Kiri, Pandang (Eyes left)
Check up
Pandang Ke Kanan, Pandang (Eyes right)
Check up
Pandang Ke Hadapan, Pandang (Eyes front)
Check down

Dari Kiri, Kiri Belok (Taking reference from the left, wheel to the left)

Dari Kanan, Kanan Belok (Taking reference from the right, wheel to the right)

Baton drills

Hormat police hormat
1, check, 1, check, 1
1, check, 1

Akan Mera Untok Diperhatikan Semula Dari Tengah Cepat Jalan
14, check
Tuka Langkah Semasa Berjalan, Tuka
Betulkan Barisan
Up check
Langkah merasok Ke Kiri/ Kanan, Gerak

  • Sizing can only be executed in close squad. Only 1 IC should be giving the command throughout.
  • Ke Kanan Lurus can be executed before Dalam Buka but not after.
  • After Dalam Buka, salute commands and Betulkan Barisan cannot be executed except for saluting to the front and baton salute.
  • For pacing, when moving to the left or right, hentak in that direction instead of taking steps and the countdown lands on the leg where the squad wants to move.
  • When marching, if there are 2 holes, the person in that column has to move to the side mentioned in the command. When the squad faces the direction that makes that person at the back, that person has to march forward, be it static or marching.
  • For berhenti, the command can land on different legs. While marching, it lands on the LEFT leg. While hentak, it lands on the RIGHT leg. While doing langkah merasok, it depends on which direction the squad is going, it lands on the opposite leg where the squad is going. Eg if squad langkah to left, berhenti lands on right leg. Also, the timing is also different. Marching berhenti timing is check 1, hentak and langkah merasok berhenti timing is check.
  • Maju ends on the right leg.
  • For Ke Kiri/Kanan pusing on the march, it lands on the leg opposite the direction where the squad wants to turn.
  • When saluting to the left or right when marching, take note that it cannot be executed if there are any ICs in that direction. Same goes for Pandang Ke Kiri/Kanan.
  • For tuka, make sure only the same IC gives the command.
  • For Beltukan Barisan, the bottom LEFT corner person (not right), gives the timing for squad to cut. If Pandang Kahadapan is said by IC, Do not execute.

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